Since last year’s PublicTechnology Live event, there has been: a general election; a change of administration; claims of a substantial shortfall in public finances; a major reorganisation of government’s digital and data functions; the conclusion of a three-year cross-departmental transformation strategy, a budget and two spending reviews, setting out billions of pounds of tech investment. Even in a world as rapid and relentless as technology, this represents a huge amount of change.
The 2025 edition of our annual conference will gather together leaders and pioneers from across the sector to examine the enormous opportunities and profound risks that have been created as a result – and the central role that digital and data will play in meeting them in the coming months, years, and decades.
(This event is exclusively for public sector professionals).
Key Topics include:
On-stage presentations and discussions, workshops and interactive sessions will offer the chance to examine the practicalities of transformation, including:
How is digital reshaping the relationship between citizens and local government?
The role of digital in supporting government’s five missions
Using digital to support better outcomes for the whole justice system
Where and how can public bodies use AI effectively?
Developing staff to solve skills challenges
Panel discussion: Data leadership in a complex world
Presentation: The future of G-Cloud and beyond
Who Should Attend?
PublicTechnology Live 2025 will welcome senior decision makers from across the public sector responsible for digital transformation, allowing them to network in a secure environment to debate the latest strategies, technologies and products as well as discuss best practices with peers and suppliers.